CONSTITUTION OF THE INDIANA COLLEGE ENGLISH ASSOCIATION Adopted on March 30, 1968 Amended on April 3, 1971; October 3, 1974; October 1, 1976 October 7, 1983; October 18, 1996; January 22, 2021
ARTICLE I: NAME AND PURPOSE Section 1. The name of this organization shall be the Indiana College English Association (henceforth referred to as The Association). Section 2. This Association shall be a professional organization for the promotion of the teaching of English (in all its disciplines) in the colleges and universities of the state of Indiana.
ARTICLE II: MEMBERSHIP Section 1. There shall be five classes of members: regular, life, emeritus, honorary, and graduate student. Section 2. Regular members shall be those employed in an institution of higher learning (beyond high school) who pay annual dues. Section 3. Life members shall be regular members who have purchased life membership in the Association. Section 4. Emeritus members shall be retired regular or life members, who are voted as emeritus members by a majority vote at any regular or special business meeting of the Association. Section 5. Honorary members shall be added by a majority vote at any regular or special business meeting of the Association. Section 6. Graduate student members shall be any student enrolled in a graduate program in the state of Indiana who petitions for free membership, given at the discretion of the Executive Board.
ARTICLE III: ACTIVITIES Section 1. In pursuit of its purpose, the Association shall hold an annual meeting at an institution of higher learningin Indiana for the presentation of professional papers and talks and for executing the business of the Association as specified in this constitution. Section 2. The Association shall annually communicate news and professional information.
ARTICLE IV: EXECUTIVE BOARD Section 1. The Executive Board shall be made up of Officers and Members-at-Large. Section 2. Officers shall be a president, a vice-president, a secretary, and a treasurer. Section 3. Assumption, Election, and Appointment of Officers:
The presidency shall be assumed by the previous year’s vice-president, at the conclusion of the annual business meeting.
The vice-presidency shall be assumed by the previous year’s secretary, at the conclusion of the annual business meeting.
The secretary shall be elected by majority vote during the annual business meeting.
The treasurer shall be any member appointed by the Executive Board.
Section 4. Assumption and Appointment of Members-at-Large:
There shall be up to four (4) members-at-large positions with voting rights.
One (1) voting position, “Immediate Past-President,” shall be assumed by the previous year’s president, at the conclusion of the annual business meeting.
Up to three (3) voting positions will be appointed annually by the president from the membership at large.
Whenever possible, the president should ensure at least two positions of the executive board should be affiliated with public institutions and two with private institutions.
The Executive Board may appoint additional non-voting positions as needed: for instance, if a need arises for the fulfilment of additional duties, or if such appointment creates a desirable liaison with an external organization.
ARTICLE V: DUTIES OF EXECUTIVE BOARD Section 1. The president shall manage the business of the Association, and in particular shall preside over the annual meeting, appoint members to the executive board, and call and preside over meetings of the executive board. Section 2. The vice-president shall be in charge of the program for the annual meeting of the Association held the year following his or her succession to office and shall preside over appropriate sessions at that meeting. He or she shall act in place of the president at all meetings over which the president is unable to preside. If the president resigns before his or her term is finished, or is otherwise unable to continue fulfilling the responsibilities of the president, the vice-president shall assume the presidency. Section 4. The secretary shall take and distribute minutes for business meetings and executive board meetings. The secretary will monitor the Association’s email account, and ensure proper communication and use of that account. The secretary, working with the treasurer, will keep a list of active membership. Section 3. The treasurer shall collect membership dues and other authorized fees, disburse money for the payment of debts of the Association with approval of the president, keep all financial records of the Association, and make an annual financial report at the business session of each meeting. The treasury of the Association shall be housed at a third-party bank, overseen by the Treasurer. Section 4. The executive board, as a whole, shall be responsible for:
Filling any vacancy that may occur among the officers;
Selecting the host institution for the annual meeting;
Determining the recommended membership dues, subject to approval by the membership at the annual business meeting;
Determining registration fees and other fees;
Suggesting emeritus memberships;
Determining who shall represent the Association at the national College English Association;
Determining the method of editing, financing, and maintaining the Association’s website;
Generally assisting each other in the execution of duties;
Supervising all matters not otherwise specified in this constitution.
ARTICLE VI: MEMBERSHIP DUES Membership dues in the Indiana College English Association are to be determined by the Executive Board with the approval of the ICEA members at the subsequent annual meeting. Emeritus members shall pay no dues. Dues for the ensuing year shall be payable at the time of registration at the annual meeting.
ARTICLE VII: AMENDING THE CONSTITUTION This constitution may be amended by majority vote of those members present at a regularly scheduled business session of the annual meeting, provided that any proposed amendment be circulated to all dues-paying members at least a week prior to the meeting.
ARTICLE VIII: EFFECTIVE DATE Section 1. This constitution shall become effective on the date of its adoption by majority vote of those in attendance at a regularly scheduled business meeting of the annual meeting of the Association. Section 2. When adopted, this constitution shall supersede any and all previous constitutions or by-laws passed by this organization.