ICEA helps support the publication of Indiana English, a competitive, peer-reviewed academic journal where faculty-scholars and graduate students alike can publish literary criticism, creative works, pedagogical scholarship, or other work in their fields. The journal is published online and is open access. Current Call for Papers (vol 3): Indiana English encourages submissions on the role of English studies in the Midwest but will consider submissions on any topic related to English literature and criticism, linguistics, or pedagogy. For this volume, we are particularly interested in exploring writings on national politics, the Midwest's impact on Presidential elections, works studying candidates who came from the Midwest, and the rich literary history that comes with such considerations (speeches, policies, educational content). We also publish original creative work (fiction, poetry, creative or literary nonfiction, and photography).
Submission Instructions: + Scholarly articles should be between 4,000-10,000 words, include an abstract of no more than 300 words. + Book Reviews should not exceed 1,500 words; we recommend inquiring about a book's appropriateness for review before sending a full review. + Poetry should be no more than 3 poems, up to 5 pages. Please submit all your poems in one document. Please indicate if poems are meant to be considered together, or may be considered individually. + Short stories and creative nonfiction should aim to be between 2,500-5,000 words, but shorter pieces are welcome.
Areas of potential article topics might come from the following fields: + Narratives exploring recent struggles or successes with AI + Literary analysis and/or textual criticism + Pedagogy, Teaching, and Classroom practices + Knowledge production and meaning-making in English studies + Writing Across the Curriculum (WAC) and/or Writing in the Disciplines (WID) + Rhetoric and composition + Linguistics/language studies + Historical and/or cultural contextualizations of literature and rhetoric + Professional writing + Teaching English to speakers of other languages (TESOL/TEFL/TELL) + Cross-disciplinary or interdisciplinary work + Creative submissions
All submissions need to follow the following formatting requirements: + Double-spaced + Times New Roman or Arial font, 12 pt. + Current MLA style guidelines + Free of your name or other identifying/contact information + Submitted as .doc, .docx, .pages
Submissions or questions can be sent to [email protected] or to Stephen Zimmerly, University of Indianapolis, Editor-in-chief: [email protected]